The rack sits in the gutter on 5" wide "feet". They are secured to the gutter with a slide clamp and then a set screw. I assembled the rack with all of the fasteners only finger tight. It is still very very steady . All bracketry is made from either 1/4" bar aluminum or 1/4" plate aluminum.
The two longitudinal upper struts.or the horizontal struts just above the gutters can have attachments made to them anywhere along them. Solar panels of virtually any size can be securely fastened or hangers for boards etc.
The brackets fot the rack are very labour intensive to make. It is very important that anyone wanting a set of brackets should contact me and we can discuss exactly the configuration of the rack that you want. I will them make up the brackets to achieve the configuration. Please contact me with your ideas and we will work out a cost for the brackets.
I am going to make the brackets available as a package to minimize shipping costs. Folks can source and buy thier own strut (I'll give people a link to find a supplier near to them) People can then decide for themselves what they want to make the legs and horizontal struts out of - there are quite a few choices - aluminum, steel (various finishes) and stainless steel.